Easy data administration.

Create, store, retrieve data with ease. The database hassle ends here. Now you have everything in one place.
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Built from ground up with core basic priciples

Doing the basics and doing it right

The main purpose of a database is to do three main things: Create, Store, and Retrieve. Datasquirel focuses on these basic tasks and simplifies it as much as possible, then builds on them to make your data management even more robust.

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Create databases, tables, columns, rows, fields, entries. Datasquirel uses all conventional SQL methods and query system for creating databases and entries: both for the GUI and for the REST api.
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Store data in different formats as compatible with SQL standards. Integers, varchars, text. In addition datasquirel provides a media storage platform for easy and quick storage of images.
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Get sotred data from anywhere. Using SQLs powerful query system you can run queries directly via REST api with just a few lines of code. For stored media you have access to images and thumbnail links which you can view anywhere.
Cloud storage on a whole new level

All your data storage needs in one place

Datasquirel solves the hassle of storing data across different platforms using a centralized, easy-to-use, SQL-based cloud database administration system. Now you can have all your data in one place and retrieve from any location or environment using HTTP REST API calls and SQL queries.

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